ACTION T3: RTD on recovered rubber
The main objective and integrated output of action 3 is to obtain detailed information on the recovered rubber from tyres on European level from a practical and technical point of view. The results of this action were demonstrated on the two deliverables:
The first deliverable (D3.1.) is a report on the recovered rubber categories. Apart from some general information about tyres, it contains a description of the state of the art (international market of tyres, regulatory framework in E.U., used tyres categories, applications of recovered tyres) and a quantitative analysis of the tyre production and of the recovery rates of tyres in Europe.
The second deliverable (D3.2.) is a report on the processing techniques of recovered rubber (retreading, regrooving, Mechanical recovery, chemical and thermal recovery). The description focuses on the grinding at ambient temperature and grinding at low temperatures processes which are close to the project's requirements. From those two processes the grinding at ambient temperature method is suggested as the most suitable for the project. This deliverable also includes, on its appendix, a brief description of the visits to 8 rubber recovery facilities that were held in order to obtain information from them (regarding the existing technologies of rubber recovery) and the checklist that were used in these visits.